STACC is run by volunteers - for every £1 donated almost 95p is transferred directly to the clinics we support

Since 1992 more than 1.6 million African children have received treatments due to the generosity of our donors and supporters

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How To Give

STACC is run by volunteers, helping to keep our running costs low. For every £1 you give, almost 95p is transferred directly to the clinics and is spent on medicines, essential medical supplies, equipment, transportation and staff wages. Since 1992 over 1.6 million children have received treatments due to the generosity of our donors and supporters. STACC needs to raise at least £120,000 a year to maintain its current activities.

Click on the logo to donate securely online through the STACC Just Giving account. 


Cheques (made payable to St Andrew's Clinics for Children) should be sent to St Andrew’s Clinics for Children, c/o Gilmorehill Campus Central Mailroom,
Isabella Elder Building, University Place, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK.

Bank Transfer

Bank:                     Clydesdale Bank plc
Sort Code:            82-70-12
Account No:         40300586
Account Name:   St Andrew's Clinics for Children

Please contact us so that we can provide a receipt and acknowledge your donation.
If you are a UK tax payer donating by Cheque or Bank Transfer, your donation will be worth much more if you sign and return a Gift Aid declaration form. With Gift Aid, every £1 donated is worth £1.25 to the clinics.
Download gift aid declaration form

Raise funds for STACC

If you are planning on raising funds for STACC we'd love to hear from you - please contact us.

Include a gift in your will

 Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, a long-time supporter and Trustee of STACC explains why he has chosen to leave a gift in his will to STACC:

“I send STACC some money every year because as a Trustee I've seen how well it's spent. Strikingly low overheads mean that the great bulk of the money really does go to the Clinics in the field, and our monitoring, supervision and visits confirm that it isn't being wasted. And, of course, the needs are huge. 
Some time ago I got round to setting up a Legacy. And with all the enthusiasm of the convert I now believe all our supporters should do so. Why? Because it's logical: the diseases we've been wanting to help fight will still be threatening children when we've gone: why should our help stop?
And it's cost-effective: your estate's value, and hence liability for Inheritance Tax at 40%, will be reduced by the full amount of all charitable donations. And it's easy: all you need to remember to put in the Will is our name, our Charity Number (SCO20553), and the amount you want to leave us.”

Please do think about following Lord Kerr’s example by leaving a gift in your will to STACC once you have made the necessary provision for those closest to you. If you require any further information or would like to speak to someone, please contact us.
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